Curios and Conundrums Wiki

Here is a partial list of the unsolved mysteries that face us currently.

The Common Ground Between Pictures

The Bridge Letter

This is an enciphered letter, probably doubly encrypted. It was found as part of a trail that started with the stick figures from Knick Knack Metropolis, followed by foxes and hounds, a hidden video, and an in-person quest. With it was a mirror marked with the number 1, indicating that a reversal of some sort would be necessary. Relevant images can be found Here.

Strange Glyphs

Odd glyphs of some sort can be found on page 4 of Knick Knack Metropolis. Nothing is known about them. They can be seen here.

Secret Names of Issues

...will apparently be required to open the Vault

The Vault

This shady subject has been hinted at several times, and we know very little about it. One certainty is that it will take 12 codes to open it.
